According to experts, a co-dependent relationship is one where one partner makes the relationship the most important thing. It becomes all that he or she cares about, making it more important than even their own welfare. One of the big symptoms of co-dependency is that one has a hard time differentiating between co-dependence on the one hand, and interdependence, healthy dependence on the other hand. Often, co-dependent people feel that they "should" be independent. This leads to black-and-white, all-or-nothing thinking: either you or totally independent, to the point of being unrelated, or you are co-dependent.
Co-dependency in relationships happens when one or both of the parties have lost their ability to be independent and lack any sort of identity outside of their partner. In the worst cases, co-dependency takes the form of the partners suffering from mental health disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, or physical abuse. However, a lot of co-dependent relationships are simply miserable toxic relationships that occur due to a lack of maturity of one or both of the persons.
Co-dependents often try to fix or change a partner, justify themselves, argue about the other person’s reality, and abuse the partner with sarcasm, ridicule, name calling, exaggeration, or so-called “honesty”. A few other signs that we can look out for when we’re dating single women and getting to know them are:
Inability to know what "normal" is.
Difficulty in following a project through.
Difficulty having fun.
Judging oneself and others without mercy.
Low self-esteem often projected onto others.
Difficulty in developing or sustaining meaningful relationships.
Belief that others cause or are responsible for the co-dependent’s emotions.
Another symptom of co-dependency is that, despite feeling so connected in terms of healing the limitations that the relationship imposes on you, there is a very real difficulty with true intimacy. It is difficult for the two of you to drop your guard, to feel relaxed comfortable and vulnerable (in a good way) within the safety of the relationship. So you actually avoid intimacy. You or your partner have too much to do at work or at home, you were too tired to make time for special moments.
When we meet women or meet men for the first time, we do not think about what they will be like once we are in a relationship, which is exactly why we need to take time in getting to know someone and not rush into anything. Know more about online dating site?